  Consecrated to God.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

A song that we all need, desperately...

There must be more than this,
O breath of God come breathe within,
There must be more than this,
Spirit of God we wait for You.

Fill us anew we pray,
Fill us anew we pray.

Consuming fire fan into flame,
A passion for Your Name,
Spirit of God fall in this place,
Lord have Your way,
Lord have Your way with us,

Come like a rushing wind,
Clothe us with power from on high,
Now set the captives free,
Leave us abandoned to Your praise.

Lord let Your glory fall,
Lord let Your glory fall.

Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,

A passion for Your Name.

I seriously can't emphasize enough how bad this whole week has been for me... And the people around me.

I'm sorry, but i wish you're sorry too.
I wish you could bloody hell see,
I wish you could bloody hell know how much you've asked of me, but not the same for the others.
I wish, you're treat me better, or at the least, equal.
I wish, that all these shit will be over soon... For all of us.

Fill us anew i prayed desperately my lord.... Please...

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looked up to the sky at 4/22/2007 03:21:00 AM

Au revoir

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