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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Excuse me are you also a mushroom???!

2 of my fave entries from the Memoirs of IMH (email from Jingyi):

Record II

A doctor asked a patient: "If I were to cut one of your ears off, what will happen to you?"
Patient: "Then I will not be able to hear..."
Doctor: "Hmm…that's if I were to cut your other ear off, what will happen then?"

Patient: "I will not be able to see..."
The doctor became nervous and asked: "Why would you not see then???"
Patient: "Because my spectacles will fall off..."

Record III

IMH has an old lady who wears black, carries a black umbrella and squats at the entrance to the IMH everyday without fail, rain or shine.
The doctor wanted to administer treatment for her but decided to understand her behavior first.
So, the doctor also wears black and carries a black umbrella; squatted besides her everyday. The days go by...the two of them squatted side-by-side w/o a single exchange of word. After one solid month, the old lady finally broke the silence and asked the doctor: "Err...Excuse me! Are you also a mushroom?"

I'm as jolly as a whale because Kai is finally back from his outfield and May is back from 5 months of dim sum land!!!!!!

1 month more to BANGKOK!!!!!!



looked up to the sky at 5/19/2009 11:56:00 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

早餐是Rock & Roll 的 style!!!

YEAH!!! *hand sign*
我決定每天都要吃早餐,因為這就是Rock & Roll的style!



looked up to the sky at 5/15/2009 01:22:00 AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In a ever-changing world like ours... You can't seem to count on 'forever' anymore.
Who knows? here today, gone tomorrow.

But right now, i'm just really grateful we're about to see the end of these tedious 2 years...

Let's continue to jiayou. :]

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looked up to the sky at 5/13/2009 09:39:00 PM

Au revoir

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