  Consecrated to God.
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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just say good night... Don't say good bye

One of the few nicer photos from Mee the Supersampler cause my aim sucks really badly... :/

This reminded me how blessed i actually am to have my 3 lao pos *hold their waists tight*


looked up to the sky at 7/26/2008 02:21:00 AM

This past 1 year, I've did / come across so much things that everything still very much feels like a dream. I've concluded that we've all taken the record labels' promo people for granted (especially bad times like this). It's not the least glamorous or easy as people often thought lor!

But having worked for almost a year in my dream company, i'm finally getting some recognition (or direction)! From someone whom i really didn't expect at all.

It's been so long since i had this blissful feeling again.
I've almost forgotten how it feels like actually.

It's simple praise like this that really keeps me going.

Thank my beloved Tous, kai and family for listening to all those negative rantings almost everyday. Thank God. :)

I'm still waiting / trying to transform. Not that i hate / dislike how i am right now... But i really wish to be a better me. But how much longer will it take for me to transform? 5 years? 10 years?

I want to surprise my beloveds.
I want to surprise myself.


looked up to the sky at 7/26/2008 01:23:00 AM

Monday, July 7, 2008

but i am... what i am.

Some people has tried so hard to establish their passions, but they're hardly remembered for it.
Some people are the pioneers of their passions, but they're always hidden underneath extremists.
Some people worked hard without any complains, but will only be reckon as the weak rather than the humble.
Some people seems destinate to be a wallflower their whole lives, no matter how hard they tried to be heard or seen.

Some people... can get exhausted after awhile.

张国荣 - 我(华语重唱版)

I am...what I am

快乐是 快乐的方式不只一种
最荣幸是 谁都是造物者的光荣

不用闪躲 为我喜欢的生活而活

不用粉墨 就站在光明的角落

就是我 是颜色不一样的烟火

天空海阔 要做最坚强的泡沫

我喜欢我 让蔷薇开出一种结果

孤独的沙漠里 一样盛放的赤裸裸

多么高兴 在琉璃屋中快乐生活
对世界说 什么是光明和磊落

It's okie if you all don't understand (or maybe you don't care)
What really matters is life is short and i really... just wanna be me.
Really. :]

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looked up to the sky at 7/07/2008 10:28:00 PM

Au revoir

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