  Consecrated to God.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Land of the thousand smiles

off to the land of thousand smiles (aka thousand shops and naughty bars) i go
armed with my beloved cameras and a self help book to keep me in sane
as well as my darling DS to wart off the lonliness

i promise to try my hardest to enjoy myself and not to bankrupt myself.
To charm them (as quoted from may)
to relax myself
to truly be comfortable and accepted

but i'll still miss Singapore many because my beloveds aren't by my side. Ahhh.
thank Kai May and Fang for your encouragement and i'll try to bear them in mind.

off to the land of thousand smiles...


looked up to the sky at 3/18/2008 11:58:00 PM

Au revoir

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