  Consecrated to God.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006

With a little Faith.

Still yet to find any blogskin that could really express what i'm feeling. Bahh.

Had a battle with my menses cramp earlier which really left me so tired and restless. And it's not like the usual cramp. It's so bad that i nearly fainted again and kept shivering. Thank God for taking it away. :)
I guess this is the price we women have to pay for not being required to go to army and all. :/ I think we can call it quits loh!

Anyway i was web-surfing last night and i came across this very interesting webby!

Presenting Faith the 2-legged dog!

Poor Faith was the only surviving puppy among its deformed siblings and she was intially bornt with 3 legs. And the worst thing is, Faith's mother probably thought Faith couldn't survive, along with her other siblings, and was trying to terminate her life!

Faith's front leg was so deformed that it had to be removed. But Faith learnt to walk upright!

It's just.. so amazing to see a dog to walk upright, without any kind of help! It's an almost impossible situation for a dog to survive without the two hind legs, needless to say a dog without the essential front legs. But it happened to Faith! And the best thing is Faith's owner credited Jesus for making such a miracle to happen. :)

And Faith looked so heipi... :) I like heipi dogs!
Such a inspirational story from Faith don't you think?
Do check out the webby to view more pictures and a video of Faith on a talkshow!

Sometimes i felt that nothing is impossible. With some perseverence, faith and the holy spirit, i really think everything is possible. Even though we will get hurt, fall or got our heart broken while pursuing the impossible, i believe the holy spirit will guide us through. For only God is capable of the impossible. :D

Now if only there's some way i could engrave this in my mind so that i wouldn't forget it when i'm down...
Transform my heart, my lord.

Oh man now i wish i could have a dog too! But i like cats too. I wonder if cat and dog could get along well under one roof. I wish i could have a collie or a pug, and a grey short-haired kitty. I'll probably name my dog "Dang" and my cat "Dong".

Dang Dong Dang Dong! Kinda noisy eh.

looked up to the sky at 10/01/2006 03:02:00 AM

Au revoir

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