Thursday, September 16, 2010
很用力談笑 比哭還絕望
怎麼挨得到 打烊
忙到忘記了 洗掉你所有短訊
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
一想起你 忙碌的生活變得空蕩蕩
對心事說謊 把你想到多麼的不堪
沒力氣遐想 誰知癱瘓在床上
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
一想起你 忙碌的生活變得空蕩蕩
對心事說謊 把你想到多麼的不堪
你也太猖狂 一個冷不防
睡到一半 才覺醒療傷先要哭一場
對世界說謊 只把自己哄騙得更慘
田馥甄 - 你太猖狂
詞: 林夕 曲: 陳小霞 編曲: 王治平
To Isabel:
很用力談笑 比哭還絕望
怎麼挨得到 打烊
忙到忘記了 洗掉你所有短訊
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
一想起你 忙碌的生活變得空蕩蕩
對心事說謊 把你想到多麼的不堪
沒力氣遐想 誰知癱瘓在床上
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
一想起你 忙碌的生活變得空蕩蕩
對心事說謊 把你想到多麼的不堪
你也太猖狂 一個冷不防
睡到一半 才覺醒療傷先要哭一場
對世界說謊 只把自己哄騙得更慘
田馥甄 - 你太猖狂
詞: 林夕 曲: 陳小霞 編曲: 王治平
looked up to the sky at 9/16/2010 01:26:00 AM
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
And guess what? My great-aunt decided to tag along too... awwwesome
There are times when I truly appreciate and don't mind being buried under the larger-than-life workload.
But this week has been really harsh and I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna survive it without disrupting my 'work-ethic momentum' that took me 3 whole years to build...
After my 3rd consecutive night from leaving my office at 11/12am, today I received a SMS at work from my papa saying:
and came home to totally un-touched (usually he will steal a bite) box of my favourite KFC eggtarts.
Incidentally, I learnt about my classmate's dad's abrupt death today on facebook. I'm overwhelmed with the responsibilities his dad has bore for the family before left and the responsibilities my friend is picking up now.
I'm pretty awkward at expressing my love for my parents, but I really thankful to God, for granting me such a wonderful father. He's really one great man who have sacrifice alot for us and I love him alot.
Right now, I'm pretty energised with my papa 愛心 KFC egg tarts already. :]
Count my blessing #2
Once again, my CRUNCH WEEK is here to visit again.
And guess what? My great-aunt decided to tag along too... awwwesome
There are times when I truly appreciate and don't mind being buried under the larger-than-life workload.
But this week has been really harsh and I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna survive it without disrupting my 'work-ethic momentum' that took me 3 whole years to build...
After my 3rd consecutive night from leaving my office at 11/12am, today I received a SMS at work from my papa saying:
"Papa bought 6 pc kfc egg tarts 4 u."
and came home to totally un-touched (usually he will steal a bite) box of my favourite KFC eggtarts.
Incidentally, I learnt about my classmate's dad's abrupt death today on facebook. I'm overwhelmed with the responsibilities his dad has bore for the family before left and the responsibilities my friend is picking up now.
I'm pretty awkward at expressing my love for my parents, but I really thankful to God, for granting me such a wonderful father. He's really one great man who have sacrifice alot for us and I love him alot.
Right now, I'm pretty energised with my papa 愛心 KFC egg tarts already. :]
Labels: count my blessing
looked up to the sky at 9/15/2010 12:52:00 AM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I would love to set off on a long trip
and be a drifter
London Paris Barcelona
Israel Greece Ireland
I would love to embark on a journey
with accepting my true self as the final destination.
I'll come home with a possibly empty wallet *okie just not bankrupt la*
but also a fuller heart
and a complete self.
After all,
mission is only considered accomplished when you're home.
I would love to...
Bonjour Paris

I would love to set off on a long trip
and be a drifter
London Paris Barcelona
Israel Greece Ireland
I would love to embark on a journey
with accepting my true self as the final destination.
I'll come home with a possibly empty wallet *okie just not bankrupt la*
but also a fuller heart
and a complete self.
After all,
mission is only considered accomplished when you're home.
I would love to...
Labels: photos, thoughts and reflection
looked up to the sky at 9/08/2010 12:38:00 AM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I remembered reading one of Fang's blog entry on her past look/hairstyles and it spurned my interest of doing something similar. But not having learnt the importance of back-up, I lost all my images after 2008.... BAH!
So in an attempt to retrieve my old pics, I dedicated myself to reading my besties' blogs archive all over again for the past one month.
But I've found more than just images of our past outings and heipi times; tears and laughter, fragments of our past memories, dangerous yet cherished reminders of who I used to be.
No amount of apology can ever make up to what I've lost. Similarly, I can't be ever more grateful to be appeased with my current state *i think*. I remembered during one of my many late night chat with May, I came to a revelation that my life's actually ain't bad but I guessed I'm a pretty short-sighted/ dramatic *pui pui* / sensitive to see.
With this thought still freshly in mind, I'll like to start counting my blessing and make my way back to the chirpy girl I used to know.
Here goes:
And so, I am blessed.
Count my blessing #1
I remembered reading one of Fang's blog entry on her past look/hairstyles and it spurned my interest of doing something similar. But not having learnt the importance of back-up, I lost all my images after 2008.... BAH!
So in an attempt to retrieve my old pics, I dedicated myself to reading my besties' blogs archive all over again for the past one month.
But I've found more than just images of our past outings and heipi times; tears and laughter, fragments of our past memories, dangerous yet cherished reminders of who I used to be.
No amount of apology can ever make up to what I've lost. Similarly, I can't be ever more grateful to be appeased with my current state *i think*. I remembered during one of my many late night chat with May, I came to a revelation that my life's actually ain't bad but I guessed I'm a pretty short-sighted/
With this thought still freshly in mind, I'll like to start counting my blessing and make my way back to the chirpy girl I used to know.
Here goes:
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
And so, I am blessed.
Labels: count my blessing, photos
Au revoir
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